How Did The Economy Change From 1800 To 1860

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“We are the nation of human progress, and who will, what can, set limits to our onward march?” -John L. O'Sullivan- During the 1800 to 1860, North and South America had a lot of happening America changed a lot and developed a lot in Economics, Politicals and Social parts. In Economic parts are Industrial Revolution , textile, invented Cotton Gin, Slavery and Labor and In political parts are Market Revolution, WHIGS, Banking System, National Republican and Republicans and in Social parts are Population, Free Soil and Slave. The Growth of northern industry was North America did industry revolution at 1800s, they developed textile and agriculture. And also James Watt invented Steam Power so North America could make a lot of textiles because …show more content…

And people used coal for make iron, steel and elecricity.So they have to delliver coal to other cities that is why they needed Railroad so North America developed Railroad and built Railroad a lot more than South America. North America built Railroad and theirs Santa Fe Trail and California Trail. Santa Fe Trail was connected from Missouri to New Mexico and California Trail was across the wetern half of North America from Missouri River to California town. Also California had a lot of Gold so many people came to get Gold so it called Gold Rush and they needed trail for delevering Gold so North American built a lot of tails. Because they needed deliver gold to other town so that tails numbers were more than two times than South America. The Growth of Southern industry was South America developed cotton gin at 1794 by Eli Whitney so that cotton gin could work faster than person so their Agriculture was developed a lot. And that time slavery was in South America so when they did cotton buisness all slavery cultivated cotton for owner but than after invented cotton gin they could make a lot of cotton each day because cotton has seed but that seed is hard to pull out so that took time so long but after invented cotton gin, they could just put bunch of cotton in the cotton gin and just spin the machine.And only South America had good and nice ground to grow Cotton and Rice so they could develop agriculture a