How Did The Fall Of The Aztec Empire

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Although it was one of the greatest civilizations known to the Mesoamerican area, the Aztec Empire was destined to fall at some point. Religion, disease, and neighboring enemies all played a part in the eventual fall of the Aztec Empire. When Spanish Conquistador, Hernan Cortez arrived in Mexico in 1519, he brought many superior weapons and soldiers with him. When he went to Tenochtitlan, he was greeted with gold and many gifts. The Aztec Emperor, Montezuma believe Cortez to be something of a god. Because of this, it was an easy task to capture the emperor. He was later captured and killed and his brother, Cuitlohuac, took his place as emperor. He drove out the Spaniards, but another problem arose. Brought by the Spaniards, the disease smallpox