How Did The German Government Contribute To The Rise Of The Weimar Republic Essay

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Many factors contributed to the fall of the Weimar Republic and the rise of Adolf Hitler. Some of the conditions that contributed to this were things such as the broken German economy. The Germans had a lot of war debt because they were almost solely blamed for the war and had been set up to pay for most of the reparations. Hyperinflation was a result and due to things such as the war debts and the Great Depression in the United States, it rose until the US dollar was worth over four trillion Reichmarks. To add to this distraught, the new democratic government was very unstable. The loss of the war also caused the German people to associate their new government with shame and weakness. The Weimar Republic was also constantly attacked by ultra-nationalists …show more content…

This instigated the rise of Anti-Semitism in Germany. Meanwhile, this rise in nationalism alarmed France and Belgium causing them to occupy Ruhr, Germany and seize mines, railroads, and factories. The German government couldn’t fight back so they encouraged workers to go on strike while they continued to print more money to support them, ultimately leading to further hyperinflation. As the government continued to crumble, the founding political parties of the Weimar Republic began to have strained relations as the Chancellor Otto von Bismarck had attempted to limit the influence of the Catholic Church in Germany. This led many Catholics to become further aligned with the Catholic Church and the Center Party had become their protector. In the same manner, many workers became more attached to the SPD. Eventually, the Center Party turned to smaller right-wing parties that had, in the past, spoken in favor of the overthrow of the Weimar Republic. With all of this against it, the failure of the Weimar Republic was inevitable and could never remain stable in these