How Did The Harlem Renaissance Influence Social Change

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“Sometimes, I feel discriminated against, but it does not make me angry. It merely astonishes me. How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company? It’s beyond me.” (Zora Neale Hurston). Zora Neale Hurston’s outward self-confidence reflects her ancestors push for social change in America. During slavery, an African American could never speak in this way. However, the Reconstruction resulted in the Great Migration, a time when African Americans moved North to find jobs, pursue what they love, and have freedom like evryone anyone else. The Harlem Renaissance occurred where African Americans such as Aaron Douglas, Zora Neale Hurston, and Claude Mckay influenced others to realize the importance of their culture which led to social change. …show more content…

The Harlem Renaissance was affected by slavery. “Strange Fruit” by Billie Holiday was published to explain how African American slaves were being hung. Holiday commented, “Southern trees bear strange fruit Blood on the leaves and blood at the root Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees” (Holiday). The strange fruit illustrated in the lyrics is known as the African American slaves. Many blacks were punished for their freedom of speech, and actions. During the Harlem Renaissance many blacks were harmed due the the explicit evidence. This let whites to realize that they were harming blacks which led to social change. “Go Harlem” by Chick Webb was an upbeat rhythm that helped other African Americans relate to the society. Webb talked about, “Up and down the avenue, You see faces old and new, With a smile that, welcomes you, 'Cause it's holiday in Harlem” (Webb). The tone of his words are positive and jovial. His display of music reflects the hard work from his ancestors who fought for social change. This is easily compared when considering slave songs and the