How Did The Harlem Renaissance Influence The Civil Rights Movement

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The Harlem Renaissance was a cultural and artistic movement that emerged in the 1920s and lasted until the mid-1930s. It flourished in literature, music, visual arts, and political consciousness. During this time, Harlem became a hub for black artists and thinkers who were seeking to express their identity and experiences through their art. The Harlem Renaissance changed American culture and history by highlighting the contributions of African Americans, challenging racial discrimination, and paving the way for equal civil rights.
The Harlem Renaissance emerged as a response to the social and economic conditions faced by African Americans in the South. By end of the Civil War in 1865, African Americans, newly freed from slavery, dreamed of …show more content…

By encouraging African Americans to fight structural racism through art and by fostering a sense of community and shared identity, the Harlem Renaissance played a crucial role in setting the stage for the Civil Rights Movement. By challenging racist societal outlooks and creating a profound image of African American culture, the Harlem Renaissance had a substantial effect on racism. The concepts and ideals promoted by the renaissance laid the foundations for subsequent civil rights activists, who leaned on the movement's spirit of black empowerment. However, despite playing a significant role in the outlook of African American life, it was by no means fully supported by all. It elicited just as much animosity and criticism as it did acclaim. Its integrity was challenged from the beginning of its existence. Racism against African Americans was still deeply ingrained into American society, and it was significantly more difficult for black artists than it was for whites. However, the renaissance was unarguably successful in that it was the first time a sizable amount of mainstream media and critics took African American art seriously, and it was the first time that it received a sizeable amount of national attention6. The Harlem Renaissance ended in the 1930s. Its peak was mainly cut short by the 1929 stock market crash and the Great Depression, which damaged African-American-owned media and reduced the amount of money that consumers, foundations, and theater companies could provide to the arts7. However, the Harlem Renaissance had a lasting effect on America. The movement popularized significant arts of African Americans and influenced later generations. The renaissance, most importantly, gave African Americans across the nation a renewed sense of pride, a new cultural awareness, and a renewed