How the Industrial Revolution Affected the Present Throughout the Industrial Revolution, science evolved immensely. During the revolution, there were many new inventions. From the steam engine and railways, to the spinning-jenny, there were many new inventions that have impacted our world today. One exceptional example is the phonograph. The phonograph revolutionized how people listened to music during the Industrial Revolution, but how has it impacted our world today? In 1877, Thomas Edison, an inventor of the time, had been developing two other inventions. These two inventions were: the telephone, and the telegraph. Edison had been working on these inventions, and theorized that he could use the technology used in the telegraph to record telephone messages. Edison used a diaphragm with an embossing point and ran it on paraffin paper. He did did this by speaking into a telephone. To his surprise, it was successful. The sound vibrations had left indentations as found in the The Library of Congress’ collection. …show more content…
His new prototype would use two diaphragms, instead of one. One would be used to create the indentations, and one would be used for playback. A person would speak into a mouthpiece and indentations would be created, and be played back out through a speaker, as shown in the patent for the device by Thomas Edison (Fig. 1). Edison would take a sketch of this to his engineer, John Kruesi, and get a product in under 30 hours. He tested it by speaking “Mary Had a Little Lamb” into it. This would amaze crowds, create interest in his product (History of the Cylinder Phonograph - Inventing Entertainment: The Early Motion Pictures and Sound Recordings of the Edison