The Role Of The SNCC In The Civil Rights Movement

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“Bloody Lowndes” by Hasan Kwame Jeffries commends the sacrifices black southerners made against conventional ideas of political power in Alabama, setting forth the fight for black civil rights. White supremacy in office did not allow for blacks to have fair representation in the laws that governed them. This constant oppression fueled the urge for change and the convening amongst black people in Alabama. An important part of this progression was the formation of the SNCC, or Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in 1960. The involvement of younger people in the Civil Rights Movement, like that of the SNCC, initiated an understanding that equal rights for blacks was not impossible. The SNCC created a valuable space for black people to create monumental steps on the path to better rights, “SNCC organizers drew equal inspiration from the self-determining cultural practices of black southerners “ (P.56) With official reprimands towards unfair rights, the SNCC was able to grab the attention of both whites and blacks. The SNCC had Ella Baker, “Two years earlier in the summer of 1963, Bernard Lafayette, a veteran of the Nashvile student movement, and his wife, Colia, a Mississippi organizer who had worked closey with NAACP leader …show more content…

This collection of black activists emerged a bigger triumph in the representation of black people a leaders. This depiction of black people in America had the potential to change the minds of those who thought otherwise and anger the people who persistently wanted to view blacks unlike actual