How Did The Treaty Of Versailles Treaty Cause Ww2 Dbq

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World War II was the largest war to be observed in all of human history. began after Germany disobeyed the restriction placed on them by the Versailles Treaty by expanding their military in order to launch an invasion on Poland. Germany's motivation for this attack on France was a document created in the aftermath of WWI by the Allied Powers in order to decide who would receive certain territories and punishments that would have to be placed on the enemies of the Allied Powers. The Germans had many of these punishments placed on them. The treaty restricted them from having more than one-hundred thousand troops at one time and only allowing them to act as peacekeepers to keep order with in Germany. Also the Treaty made Germany unwillingly pay reparations for the damage they caused during the war, …show more content…

The treaty caused WWII because of the unrealistic and harsh punishment placed on Germany, such as the high amount of reparations placed on the nation, having all of the war guilt forced on to the country, along with the removal of some of their territory and land separating some Germans from the …show more content…

The nation had control over these territories, resulting in many Germans residing in these areas of land. Having these territories removed from Germany’s control resulted in many germans being forced to oblige with living in these countries which were once their enemies. This caused many German people to be outraged, along with this Germany really wanted their territory giving them more of a reason to invade there european neighbors. This is clear in Document A in Hitler’s book; “...No nation can remove this hand from its throat except by the sword” (Document A). He in suiting that the only way to remove these territories from these country’s control would be to to take them back by