How Did The US Involvement In The Vietnam War

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The Vietnam War was a major war that effected both the United States and Vietnam. It was a long and costly war that had many casualties on both sides. It initially only involved the Northern Vietnamese and their southern allies called Viet Cong. The war occurred because of the North Vietnamese administration and the Viet Cong were in combat to reunite Vietnam under communist law. They had reunited against the Southern Vietnamese, who were supported by the United States. The United States involvement in the war only further conflicted and prolonged the war, which either way ended in failure for the Southern Vietnamese.
The United States involvement had initially started in 1954. The original intervention had been caused by the United States mission to end any communist movement, and help fight against the Soviet Union. As the cold war continued, the United States had hardened its rules against any Soviet Union supporters. The United States thought that if Southern Vietnam fell to communism then slowly all the other countries would follow. They called the effect ‘The Domino theory’, where if one country fell to the communist then others, being effected, would follow. They had thought that winning the war against the northern Vietnamese would be indirect blow the soviets. …show more content…

The United States also had created a treaty called The Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty in 1954. The treaty was made as part of the American Truman Doctrine of creating treaties in defense against the communist. The treaty was planned to create alliances that would help in fighting against the communist. Afterwards, with the loss of the French, the United States started sending troops to help the southern

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