Us Involvement In The Vietnam War Essay

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American involvement occur because American officials supported the domino theory, which was the belief that a communist victory in South Vietnam would cause non communists governments to fall to communism. “American officials believed in the domino theory, which held that a communist victory in South Vietnam would cause noncommunist governments across Southeast Asia to fall to communism like a row of dominoes. To prevent such a disaster, the United States stepped in to shore up the Diem government” (page 797). America became more involved in the Vietnam War after Diem’s death, the United States started working with ruling generals to defeat the threat from communist rebels. “After Diem's death, the United States became more deeply involved …show more content…

got dragged in the fighting that soon turned into a major war. “At first, the United States sent only supplies and military advisers to South Vietnam. But as the Viet Cong won control of more areas, the United States was dragged into the fighting, turning a local struggle into a major Cold War conflict” (page 797). Then, in August 1964, an American warship reported attacks by North Vietnamese torpedo boats. Soon after that attack President Lyndon Johnson won congressional approval to take all necessary measures to prevent further aggression. As a result, the U.S. began bombing targets in North Vietnam and the U.S. committed more troops to the conflict, although no war was declared. “The United States soon began bombing targets in North Vietnam, although no war was ever declared” (page 798). As the United States send more troops and spent high sums into the war the nation grew divided, the majority of Americans backed the war effort to stop the spread of communism. “As the United States committed more troops and poured vast sums into the war, the nation grew increasingly divided. At first, the majority of Americans backed the war effort to stop the spread of communism” (page

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