How Did Thomas Paine Contribute To The American Revolution

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Despite Thomas Paine’s numerous contributions to the world, he is often overshadowed by John Locke, the so-called father of democracy. However, by modifying the public’s understanding of Locke, Paine altered the character and destiny of both American and World History. Thomas Paine’s ideas and efforts inspired and focused the American Revolution; he provided the colonists with the ideals and courage needed for the founding of a new nation. In his efforts to unite and direct the colonists, Paine created what may have been one of his greatest phrases: The United States of America. He provided Americans and Europeans with the rational thought, inspiration, and confidence to reject outmoded social and political structures of the past and the courage to implement ideals of freedom, equality, and human rights to provide a better future for mankind. As a result, America was not founded on the ideas of John Locke, but upon the transformation of his concepts by Thomas Paine. Thomas Paine transformed Lockean principles by reforming them from lofty philosophies into common …show more content…

As a result, they turned to democracy. Though there was much debate surrounding the formation of democracy in America, an important aspect of the Constitution is that it ensures that the government remains democratic rather than monarchic. A democratic government—popularly referred to as one that is “of the people, for the people, and by the people”—is characterized by citizen participation in choosing the officials and rules that govern their polity. The notions of justice and impartiality, or even application of the law among all citizens, are key aspects of democracy. Of course, in 1788 ‘all citizens’ referred to white men – usually propertied – and not women, Native Americans, or