How Did Tokugawa Ieyasu Maintain Power In Japan

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Isolation is defined as; when something, a person, or a country is left alone for long periods of time. When a country is isolated, they have to survive off of the country's own resources. In Japan during the Edo era, Life was very different. Japan was very isolated from the rest of the world. Tokugawa Ieyasu, the Shogun of Japan at the time, held most of the power. Even more than the emperor. While the emperor was the face of Japan the shogun was the main leader and the milliary leader of Japan. The Shogun needed to keep Japan isolated to maintain power, his fear of Westernization, and to keep the Japanese culture. Maintain power
The particular reason the shogun wanted to keep isolated was that the shogun wanted to maintain his power over Japan he also wanted to keep japans culture. Tokugawa Ieyasu feared that westerners would colonize Japan bringing their culture into Japan and Tokugawa did not want another person to overthrow him as shogun so he had ways of maintaining his power. Some of the ways were, keeping Japan isolated, taxing the peasant farmers, military strength, and fear, he created such a strong shogunate that no one would dare to challenge him or his descendants. …show more content…

He did not want a Westerner to overthrow him and colonize Japan, the shogun was afraid that the Japanese people would start to follow the Westerner's way of living and abandon the Japanese culture.
The shogun was also afraid the Westerners would have more military power and that he would lose his military because the portugese had a great number of

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