
How Did Wilfred Owen Influence On War Poetry

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World War I strongly affected traditional styles of literary purpose. Poetry, in particular, relieved the traumatic experiences of those on the battlefield, and served as a way to channel fear and anger from the war by means of artistic expression. Soldiers lived in horrific conditions in the trenches; many came out with grave injuries, often fatal. Several poets, including Wilfred Owen, used time in hospitals to reflect on their tragic experiences. This reflection enabled them to direct their shellshock into something meaningful for the world in form of poetry. The literary creations from World War I translated into insightful primary accounts of the war, which reflected the accurate living and working conditions in battle. While in hospitals, the soldiers met other men with the same experiences as their own and bonded over this similarity. This allowed the men to release some of their anger and fear of the war with peers who understood each other’s pain. Writers like Owen, illustrated the passion for their country by advocating fighting in the war. Their sense of nationalism encouraged men to take risks enthusiastically and defend their country. Due to their patriotic duty and devotion to their country, these intellectuals sacrificed their lives to create a safer environment for the general public at home. 3 Wilfred …show more content…

Instead of having a career as a traditional author, he became a war poet. The author’s experiences in the war gave his literature a purpose, especially in poems such as “Dulce et Decorum Est”, where he educates others on the realities of trench life. In these poems, Owen depicts the damaging pictures of men dying every day for the people they love at home. Going off to war provoked a stronger love for and desire to help one’s country. 2 This type of devotion came from a feeling

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