How Do A Little Girl Change My Life

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Who would of thought one little girl could change my life so much. The smallest thing’s like sleep , going shopping , and even showering changed in so many way’s. With all the changes I had to make , I would never change anything about my life now she made my eyes open to life and made me see what I couldn’t see before . My baby girl made me grow up and made me realize I have meaning in life and I mean the world to someone and that im someone extremely special to her . I never would have pictured my life like this just four and a half years ago. I went from only caring about myself and doing everything and anything I wanted to having a whole other person to care for that truly needed me to take care or her someone that wanted my love and loved me back . A lot of thing’s changed for me , but one big thing was sleep I loved to sleep but no more sleeping in for this mommy. I now only get very little sleep and each night varies on roughly how much im really going to get. I love my three a.m feeding times when she just looks up at me with that sleepy smile on her face and my five a.m …show more content…

I use to be able to shower whenever I pleased , but now its either during nap time or bed time or very rarely when someone else is home. I’m always rushed while showering now because I never know when she’s going to be waking up. If I take too long to get her when she gets up , she will scream at the top of her lungs until I get her. It may be a challenge but its a challenge I have over came and learned to better my routine so I have more time to do the things I must do LIKE