How Do Disturbances Affect The Amazon Rainforest

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The rainforest is my chosen topic. My research questions are:
What disturbances are there to the ecosystem of the Amazon rainforests?
Why should we care about these disturbances?
The purpose of this investigation is to develop the knowledge of how different disturbances are affecting the Amazon rainforest today and the effects in economy, environment and society due to these disturbances. Also, what we could do to this issue.
Disturbances affecting the Amazon rainforest
The rainforest is namely home for the world’s biodiversity. A disturbance affecting the Amazon rainforest today, is the deforestation occurring. It is taking place so rapidly due to reasons like: forest conversion for cattle ranching, farming, logging, population pressure, etc. The remaining trees are killed due to constant fires and severe droughts, partially produced by humans.
Hunting is another disturbance. Many people, …show more content…

Measures should be taken to compensate for the loss of trees. Trees cannot be grown in areas deficient in water supply. Scarcity of water can falter an entire ecosystem. Conservation and proper distribution of water can help solve this problem. Making water available in areas where it is scarce, can help promote the growth of trees in those areas. The Amazon rainforest also plays a role in the climate that affects the entire world. If this environmental service that the forest provides is dismantled by its destruction there will not be any substitutes for it. It has the ability to keep carbon levels stable and balancing rainfall patterns globally. The Amazon works like a great air conditioner, it cools down the temperature in the entire world by 1 or 2 degrees Celsius. The Amazon rainforest makes about 50% of its own rainfall, working as an ecosystem service. It also boosts the economy as it supports agriculture and hydropower production of a