How Do Seat Belts Save Lives

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If we don't have to wear a helmet when we ride our motorcycles then why do we have to wear a seatbelt in an enclosed vehicle. Most people say seat belts save lives but seat belts can also end lives or severely injure you. For instance if your in your car and you get into an accident and you have your seatbelt on. The seat belt locks but you keep moving you break ribs and your neck they take you to the hospital and tell you you are paralyzed from the neck down. Now let's say you didn't have your seatbelt on and you are stopped by your your air bag and just have bruised ribs and a minor concussion. Wearing your seat belt is a big controversy today. IT is against the law to not wear a seatbelt but truthfully how many people really wear a seat belt 7 out of 10 people don't …show more content…

When a police officer pulls you over he makes more money even if it is something as simple as not wearing your seatbelt. Police are like predators in nature they go for the easiest target. Instead of pulling people over for not wearing your seatbelt they should be pulling people over who can harm someone or enforcing lodgement laws. According to John Clime “one major complaint of interest is police spend more time ticketing people who are not wearing their seat belt than stopping the people who are committing major crimes.” Police should not worry about the people who don't wear seatbelts and worry about the people who are doing harm to others. This is another reason why we should not have to wear seatbelts because police could focus on the other people.
We should eliminate the seat belt law. Seatbelts can cause injuries. The seat belt law contradicts with the constitution. Police are to worried about people who don't wear seat belts and aren't worried about people who are harming other people. You should relize that seat belts are not important and can harm you.You should also be move to star a potition to abolish this