How Do Societal Rules Help People In A Dystopian Society

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Some people may think that societal rules may harm others, however, they can actually help people make good life choices. There are two types of society that people may want to live in. The first being an Utopian society and a Dystopian society. Utopia is this world that others imagine that is great and perfect but it does not exist. But dystopian is when there is this world that is controlling and suffering. It can help people because it can guide and direct, improve other people's behavior, and understand people's emotions. One may argue that it does harm others because if people are not able to make decisions, feel pain, or experience failure, they cannot fully know the joy of happiness or success. Thus, societal rules help people in a …show more content…

It illustrates a moment where societal norms help with their behavior. In the novel, The Giver, it shows that if they did something disrespectful to someone or broke one of the laws, they would have to apologize to the community so it improves people's behavior. It can improve people's behavior because it improves their actions, their life choices, and not do it again. To add, It also shows that Asher had to apologize because he was causing inconvenience to the community. It’s helping people's actions and behavior to do something good for others. Some of the rules are making them into better people, changing their ways, and behaviors. Another example is understanding people's …show more content…

It is said that if you never lose at anything, you can not really understand how great it feels to win. In the Giver, there was no suffering or pain, so people did not get to know how good it felt to be happy. They did not have the choice of who to marry, so they did not have the feeling of falling in love. Also, they were “assigned jobs”, so they did not get the experience to try things to see what they liked. Having these rules controlled their