How Do You Think This Theory # 1 And Could This Cause This Accusation?

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Oh my God! You won’t believe what happened in Salem, MA in 1692. Yeah I know it’s so many years back, but I bet you didn’t know what happened in Salem, MA. in 1692 and 1693, more than 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraft- the Devil’s magic- and 20 were executed. That is so many people right? I don’t think the strict rules caused the accusations of witchcraft because it doesn’t really have to do with strict rules. I believe the disease led to the witchcraft accusations because if it wasn’t for the disease that the girl had then it wouldn’t had caused all this. In this paragraph, this is going to be about theory #1 and could this disease have cause the accusation? I believe that it could, but other may not. For those who don’t know, the disease is called Ergot. Ergot is a form of poisoning caused by the ingestion of rye grain containing the fungus. The girls were complaining because they had seizures, convulsions, and hallucinations. Those are the most common symptoms. My next paragraph will be about theory #2. …show more content…

Many say it could and the others say it couldn’t, but in my opinion it could. There were Salem Village and Salem Town. Those who lived in Salem Town were better than those who live in Salem Village. These people were more educated, prosperous, and generally more respected while in Salem Village people had more farmland of course, were generally poorer, and had more conservative values. They probably seperated from each other because they both wanted to be the best or better than the other one so they decided to go their own way. Another thing could have been because maybe Salem Village was stealing Salem Town’s money or Salem was stealing Salem Village’s money. In my next paragraph it’s going to be about strict rules and how I don’t think it led to the