How Does Antony Use Ethos In Julius Caesar

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Brutus was more argumentative when using ethos to explain why he killed Caesar. He took credit for killing Caesar that shows the audience that he has nothing to hide from them. He also shares that Antony had nothing to do with the death of Caesar. Caesar was seen as too ambitious to Brutus that made him realize that Caesar wasn't fit for Rome. Brutus wanted to be the hero for Rome before it was too late. He offered to die for Rome but the crowd said no because they understand his perspective. The play of Julius Caesar states, "Who here is so vile that he doesn't love his country?" (Act 3, Scene 2). This quote from the play shows that Brutus knows everyone loves Rome and justifies his actions. Antony uses ethos when he explains how Caesar was killed. Antony also reveals that Rome fell when Caesar was killed which makes them blame Brutus and the others for Caesar's death. When Antony told the people of Rome about Caesar's will it made them think that Antony is right about Brutus and the …show more content…

According to Brutus, Caesar was a brave, loving, and good fortune. Brutus reveals Caesar's important qualities so Rome can see what type of personality he had through Brutus's eyes, "There are tears for his love, joy for his fortune, honor for his bravery, and death for his ambition." (Act 3, Scene 2). This helps Brutus argument stronger because he talked more about Caesar being a loving person. Unlike Brutus, Antony talked little about him and more about how wrong and honorable the conspirators were. Antony did use logos at the beginning of his speech saying be prepared to cry since it is a funeral. This statement is logically explained by Antony if Antony was Brutus this what he is trying to start a rebellion in Rome, "But if I were Brutus and Brutus were me, then I'd stir you up, and install in each of Caesar's wounds the kind of voice that could convince even stones to rise and mutiny." (Act 3, Scene