How Does Baz Luhrmann Create Loneliness In The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby is a film directed by Baz Luhrmann and released in 2013. The film is an adaptation of the novel written by F. Fitzgerald, set in the 1920s. Luhrmann presents deep, calculated characters throughout the film who undergo many different life experiences. Many characters face the struggle of loneliness, however, some characters are not as lonely as most. Luhrmann conveys that although characters may appear happy and popular, emotionally, characters often feel empty. Throughout the film, Jay Gatsby constantly struggles with romantic loneliness. For many dragging years of his life, he attempts to win Daisy’s love yet never succeeds, causing a great deal of unhappiness and the feeling of isolation. Gatsby spent a great deal of time regaining Daisy’s attention. Gatsby not only bought the house “to be near her”, but he also spent an immense amount of money on the parties he threw weekly, all in the hope that Daisy would “wander in one night”. His aspiration to see …show more content…

Carraway can promote this positive energy that attracts people to him, developing connections with others. In particular, Carraway can become close friends with Gatsby, he can achieve this through his mental ideal that he should “always try to see the best in people”. Luhrmann employs juxtaposition to contrast Carraway’s genuine relationships with superficial connections of other characters. As Carraway reflects in the film, he told Gatsby that he is “worth the whole damn bunch put together” encapsulating how important displaying affection to someone can create a lasting bond. Additionally, the remark that Gatsby “has an extraordinary sense of hope” illustrates and symbolises the admiration and depth of friendship he had with Gatsby. Thus, Luhrmann presented Nick Carraway as a character who was able to observe loneliness but managed to develop connections around