Why Is The Great Gatsby So Popular Today

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The Great Gatsby was a novel written in the 1920s by Scott Fitzgerald. This story has stood the tests of time so much so that students even today have to read and write difficult comparative analysis essays about it. This classic tale of lost love has captured audiences for over 3 decades. The novel has two movies, one made in 1974, and one more recently in 2013. The book has many similarities to the 2013 movie of the same name starring Leonardo Dicaprio. But why is it still so popular? This story is still around today due to it's message and warning of the dangers of idealism in our world. The contemporary movie is very close to the original story. The movie keeps the magical tone of Gatsby and his parties throughout, “A celebrated tenor had sung in Italian and a notorious contralto had sung in jazz, and between the numbers people were doing “stunts” all over the garden, while happy, vacuous bursts of laughter rose toward the summer sky”. Gatsby is just as charismatic and mysterious as he is …show more content…

In the book the two have a romantic relationship, and it causes Jordan to be around more often .”Unlike Gatsby and Tom Buchanan, I had no girl whose disembodied face floated along the dark cornices and blinding signs, and so I drew up the girl beside me, tightening my arms. Her wan, scornful mouth smiled, and so I drew her up again closer, this time to my face.”(80) In the movie he and Jordan have very little interaction and only as friends. The relationship in the book makes a lot more sense for situations like when Nick, Jordan and Tom all drive to the city in the same car. I think the reason for this difference is to keep the focus on Gatsby, Daisy and their romance. If the director were to keep this, it would be a distraction away from the main point of the storyline. This distraction would add time to the movie which means the director has to cut out important plot