
How Does Chris Mccandless Escape From Into The Wild

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Nicholas Matthews Professor Moore Conversation HU-103 DF November 10, 2014 Flight from the World The world includes many places for escape; people can escape to the movies for a couple hours, the resort for the weekend, or Disney World for the week. The act of escaping creates a clear mind. It allows you to get away from other opinions, to devote your time to a religion, or even find yourself. In the text Deserts Fathers, the monks sought to be alone. Being secluded allows them to avoid sins and ultimately be closer to God. In the text Into the Wild Chris McCandless did not really have a religion. His main goal was unclear; he left his home, car, and cash. He went into the wild in search of adventure. To limit …show more content…

Nothing to do and nowhere to be, it is a stress free environment that allows for a more clear and focused mind. Chris McCandless has fallen deeply in love with western America, and for “two years he walks alone upon the land to become lost in the wild” (Into the Wild, 163). Chris removed himself from the main-stream environment; it encouraged him to be himself. He sought happiness and true purpose in his life. He was able to go without material possession as materials can cause distractions, and makes a big emphasize on how he is alone and can enjoy “Ultimate freedom”. Chris made sure that he did not have any money by burning what he had left; he wanted to simply live, and enjoyed hitch hiking when he had a perfectly good car. When he had a job he even said, “Tramping is too easy with all the money you paid me. My days were more exciting when I was penniless” (Into the Wild, …show more content…

They would seek out life in the desert as a form of solidarity, spending years alone or with other hermits in order to focus on prayers and their devotion to God. The Desert Fathers would leave whatever society they were present in and move to the desert. They would eat nothing but bread, salt and water. To live life in the simplest form, they gave up their life in society to become a part of the monastic community. With years of life in solitude to focus on prayers and devotion to God, they ”think anyone who controls himself and makes himself content with just what he needs and no more, is indeed a monk” (Deserts Fathers, 4). The Fathers are required to live out their lives with the upmost discipline. They remove themselves from society in addition to living the simplest form of life, all while serving God. Simply living is a way to limit distractions, and the Fathers believe by limiting materials possessions, the possibility for sins will decrease. A cluttered home leads to a cluttered mind; the visual distractions pull us away a lot more than we the think. The fathers rid themselves of anything that is not needed in life essentially to make more room for the things that matter, like closeness to God. The essentialness for things is based on the person. A mother may need a car to bring her children to and from school while a teenager can does not necessarily need one and can go without it. There is no

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