How Does Christianity View Slavery In The Bible

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Of the Morality of Biblical Slavery How should Christians view slavery? Does the Bible support or oppose it? This question has been debated and discussed ever since the beginning of Christian faith because Christianity began in the time of Roman rule, a slave-owning society. The bible clearly mentions slavery from the Israelites enduring and being liberated from Egyptian slavery in Exodus to the institution of a form of slavery in the Books of the Law, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. However, people debate the meaning and moral consequence of the type of slavery in the bible. Some say that the Bible's slavery was beneficial for both slave and master and thus morally advantageous system, while others that all slavery is immoral and thus the bible is as well. The slavery in the bible is morally advantageous for two main reasons. It rehabilitated the slaves, and there were laws protecting the slaves. …show more content…

The term “slave” although used frequently in English bible is quite misleading. In the Old Testament times in Israel, a “slave” was more of an indentured servant. When a man accumulated a large amount of debt and could not pay it off he could choose to sell himself into “slavery.” Someone else would pay off the debt and in exchange, that man who was in debt would serve the man who paid it off for a number of years. During this time, however, the “master” was required to teach the “slave” a trade and give him a small wage. So after six years when the man is released in the year of Jubilee he would be able to get back on his feet and provide for