
How Does Fate Control Our Destiny In Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet is a play by William Shakespeare is about two young people who fall in love and eventually take their own lives to be with each other. Romeo and Juliet meet at a party and instantly fall in love, then they decide to get married, which causes a fight between Romeo and Tybalt, making Romeo leave Verona. Juliet is forced to marry a named Paris, instead of marrying him, she drinks a potion to seem dead. Romeo finds out about her “death” and drinks poison, Juliet finally wakes up from her dead like sleep and realizes Romeo is now dead, and kills herself. People believe this play has fate involved with Romeo and Juliet, others think the meaning symbolizes our free will controls our destiny. The theme of this play is that fate is ultimately in control of our destiny. …show more content…

Romeo had been in love with a lady named Rosaline and she didn’t feel the same way. Romeo thought that “[his] own fortune in [his] misery.” (act 1, ii, 58) and it was destined to be miserable because of her He felt worthless without Rosaline. Benvolio tells Romeo to “Compare her face with some that [Benvolio] shall show” (act 1, ii, 88) and snuck into a Capulet's party who Montagues dislike, and met Juliet who Romeo adored and soon he saw her. Romeo had no control over on who he fell in love with. Later in the play, Romeo and Tybalt fight, Romeo kills Tybalt and has to leave Verona or he will die, “O, [Romeo is] fortune’s fool!”(act III, i, 134) as Romeo dwells over his actions, he blames fate for killing Tybalt, because since he married Juliet, Romeo fought and killed Tybalt and blames fate for his bad luck that he is now dead. Romeo’s behavior had cause his fate to control his

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