How Does George Orwell's Warning Become A Reality?

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The world today has many resemblances to the society of “1984,” but also many differences that may be impossible in our world today. Oceania was a very controlled, secretive, and watchful society with no privacy. Their government was oligarchically ruled, and today in the
U.S. we have a democracy. These are complete opposite rulings, but maybe George Orwell’s prediction will come true in the years to come. Could Orwell’s “warning” become a reality?
The telescreens, in “1984,” watched all of the people in their own homes ,which forced them to be on their best behavior all of the time. In this case, I do agree that this does relate to the world today in that they are able to hack into our computers, and some X-boxes, to see what we have searched and what we’re looking at. The X-boxes …show more content…

This is also not relevant to today or any day in a large society because there is no way to read someone’s mind or erase our memories. If someone tried to alter history, we would have millions of people disproving what “supposedly” happened in the past with evidence. The Party also made all of the people love Big Brother, and idolize his leadership.
This is like forcing us, today, to love the President. It’s clearly shown in voting times, not everyone does or ever will love the same choice the government makes for a president.
Although it may seem we’re growing closer to a controlled society, like in Oceania, we could never have that insane, controlled, fake society in a place so big and powerful. Some may argue that the government power is alway growing, so one day they could get the point that George
Orwell predicted. Power can always increase, but the tactics the government is using , like spying discreetly, are illegal and could not change. We cannot use torture or imprison someone