How Does Global Warming Affect Penguins

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Introduction Penguins are one of the few animal species that make part of the ecosystem of the Antarctic. The Antarctic, the Antarctic is well known for being one of the most intense environments for animals to live in because of its cold temperature and its scarcity of Animals and plants. Animals have uniquely evolved to live in the Antarctic. Penguins have features and characteristics that are unique in comparison with the entire animal kingdom; their anatomy and functionality of their body structure itself contains hundreds of mysteries that even today are still the point of research for many Scientifics. Extraordinary animals like penguins have been for the past century victims of one of the most- well known acts that humanity has done over the past century to planet Earth, Global warming . Climate change has been a huge factor that has …show more content…

Because of the melting that global warming has caused on the Antarctic, changing its temperatures would change its entire structure transforming it from its foundations in something that animals are not adapted for, therefore causing a tremendous impact on the animals that live there, when we related to penguins. General effects of Global warming To start with we must make a comparison over the two different concepts that houses this project, global warming and climate change. Global warming is referred to the act of the Earth’s atmosphere cause by certain compounds in the air better known as greenhouse gases that Climate change should not be confused with global warming. The last one refers to the recent and continuous rise in global average temperature near the Earth's