How Does Golding Present Piggy's Personality In Lord Of The Flies

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The Lord of the Flies is a social commentary published in 1954 by William Golding, which focuses on the concept of civilization veruses savagery. The characters in the novel portray various aspects of individuals in society. One character, Piggy, who is one of the boys stranded on the island, is identified as an ISTJ using the Myer-Briggs Personality Test. Throughout the novel, Piggy shows many introverted traits - thus having an “I” for his first personality trait. He is described as intelligent, though lacking physical traits; therefore, others in the group taunt him for his physical appearance, as shown in page ___ “" He's not Fatty, " cried Ralph, "his real name's Piggy! " ...A storm of laughter arose and even the tiniest child joined in... …show more content…

Golding portrays his introvertness by filling many of Piggy’s moments with awkward moments and long pauses, during a meeting awkward position after speaking “Piggy, finding himself uncomfortably embroiled, slid the conch to Ralph's knees and sat down. The silence grew oppressive and Piggy held his breath” ____. His …show more content…

He is focused on the present world around him, values facts, and is pragmatic. At the beginning of the novel, he attempts to take roll of all the boys on the island; although unsuccessful, his idea proves to be crucial, after a boy goes missing after "Piggy fell against a rock and clutched it with both hands. 'That little ‘un that had a mark on his face-where is-he now? I tell you I don't see him.' The boys looked at him fearfully, unbelieving. 'Where is he now?” ( Golding 64) His idea of counting and recording the boys, shows the use of his senses to gather facts and be in the present. Another example is during a meeting, which he brings up the idea of shelter “The first thing we ought to have made was shelters down there by the beach. It wasn't half cold down there in the night.”_____ Using his senses he gathered information of the weather at night, and how the boys had nowhere to seek shelter during rain. Finally, he conjured a pragmatic way to solve the