How Does Knight Life Compared To Today

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The medieval times obviously have many differences compared to today. More specifically a knight from the medieval era has a very different life compared to mine. A knight works a hard job, has people depending on them, and probably had to worry about getting killed more often than not. I however, have never worked a day in my life, only have to worry about myself most of the time, and probably won’t get stabbed by a sword any time soon. A knight and myself have plenty of differences, these include housing, food, and our responsibilities.
To start off a knight and I don’t even live in the same type of home. Then we definitely don't have the same levels of cleanliness, and living conditions. A knight lives in the castle for whoever they happen …show more content…

These facets actually do share some similarities. A knight’s diet is made of bread, vegetables, meat, and fruit. The kind of vegetables around during the time were cabbage, chickpeas, artichokes, and beans, When it comes to meat a knight would only eat it three times a week according to rules a knight had to follow. This is because they believed eating a lot of flesh “corrupts the body.” A knight would eat boar, deer, goat, partridge, and sheep. Regarding drinks, a knight would drink wine like water because the water that was available was probably not clean. They would also drink Ale but that was usually something more common with peasants. My diet isn’t that different. I eat meat, bread, vegetables, and fruit as well, I just have different kinds available to me. I don’t have to follow a set of rules so I can eat meat whenever I please, and this would be chicken, turkey, or pork. I would say the vegetables I eat are less hearty with lettuce, potatoes, carrots, and corn. Something I have now that a knight didn’t was pasta. I am also able to drink clean water, lemonade, and tea. Comparing our diets I would say they are fairly equal. I could easily take on a knights diet so I don’t think either of us have it better or