How Does Macbeth Control His Fate

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I will argue that macbeth did not have control over his fate. My first reason being the weird sisters A.K.A the fate sisters told him his fate witch all came true. He did push himself down the path, but Banquo warned him that sometime evil tells little truths to trick you into something bad. He was first pushed down the path by his wife lady Macbeth so even then you could say he wasn't in control. Macbeth near the end of the play became more of his own person but even then it seemed he was not in control because he goes back to the sisters and demands the rest of his fate. In the beginning of the play lady macbeth controlled what macbeth did. The decision chose to kill Duncan was not his; he did not want to, but his wife forced him. The witches told him he would be the king and the thane of cawdor. He was forced into many things along with killing the king, like killing the servants. These things Macbeth did made him start to lose his mined. This is something out of his control that will affect him greatly. His mind's deterioration plays a great part in his destiny and could have changed many things thought out the play. …show more content…

Macbeth has three murderers kill banquo because he thinks he knows he killed the king. The witches predictions are what are making him suspicious and that is leading him to kill. Macbeth starts acting on the witches predictions and this drives him mad. Lady macbeth says ¨I pray you speak not he grows worse and worse your questions enrage