How Can Lady Macbeth Control Your Destiny

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You can 't control your destiny. In “Macbeth” Lady Macbeth sleep walks and stars confessing all the crimes she has done “ She has spoke what she should not [...] here 's the smell of the blood and still al the perfume of Arabia will not sweeten this little hands” (163). Lady Macbeth is non conscient and has no idea of what she 's doing. Along with sports gene by David Epsen “ set the bar at 6’6 [...] but the bar pushed up to 6’8 Thomas cleared it.” Thomas had no idea he could jump that high but he did it.
More shall the speak but for now i am bont to know by the worst means the worst”. Macbeth is anxious to know his future which it doesn 't really matter because whatever is going to happen it 'll happen either he want to or not. But on the