
How Does Malcolm X Deserve A Monument?

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Although Malcolm X was a very controversial and perhaps misunderstood his ultimate message was strong and admirable. Due to this he deserves a monument in the form of a museum in order to truly comprehend and enjoy his life. Malcolm X spoke his mind without any fear of consequence due to his true devotion to what he believed in. Through his charisma and leadership he was able to uplift and reunite a nation. The honorable Malcolm X lived his life to present the concept of doing whatever it takes to change the world, which suffice to build him a national monument where all can visit his museum to understand his powerful life.

One may ask what would be a long lasting ultimate message, a extraordinary example of this is, You must do whatever it takes to change the world. This is a life learning lesson due to it showing the …show more content…

Yes, it is clear that he does. Malcolm X was a man of belief and hope, he fought for his people and their freedom. He was a devoted Muslim and was truly faithful to his religion. Malcolm was very determined in terms of uplifting his community. Damion Thomas, a curator at the African American Museum, February 23, 2018, Smithsonian magazine stated ¨The reason people really have to understand Malcolm X, whether you agree with him or not, he was committed to the upliftment of black people, and I think that’s the most important thing that we should know about Malcolm X.¨ Damion Thomas states that whether we agree with Malcolm X or not he was completely dedicated to the upiftment of his people, and this is definitely something that is worthy of a monument. Throughout Malcolm Xś career he faced much hatred and even found himself being attacked many times but he did not let this slow him down. Malcolm X knew that he was in danger for just simply being in the fight that he was for, for freedom and justice for black people. For this he displayed true bravery and is yet again a reason as to why he deserves a

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