How Does Nixon Affect Consumer Behavior

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Nixon's general appearance was not appealing to the public eye from a previous election he ran in against John F. Kennedy. Nixon was not prepared for the debate having recently been released from the hospital while looking unwell and very sick. Nixon's appearance was upkept because his main interests had always been in international affairs. It was important for him to keep up appearances in front of other world leaders and he succeeded in doing so. After the Watergate Scandal was exposed nixon's public opinion fell to extreme lows, in some cases 31% and 27% approval ratings. Richard Nixon's personal characteristics did not affect the rating because they are not things that would greatly affect how he looked because they more reflected on the values he had. Rating 3.
Decision Making:
Nixon's decision making did not work out for him in the end and ultimately caused him to resign. He did make good decisions in foreign affairs with China which helped him gain international influence. Nixon made many policies in his first term that were considered very un-Republican because they included …show more content…

As has been said before, this could hinder the war effort and provide the enemy time to regroup and fortify. Nixon did not cry during his presidency and only cried after he had given his "Checkers" speech during his 1952 vice presidential campaign. Nixon valued "controlled" emotional responses. Nixon did not show a great deal of emotion during his presidency because he did not appear to to public as much as other presidents and therefore had less chances to. Nixon was able to understand people that are in the lower class because he had been in a similar situation to them in his childhood. Nixon was able to keep up the public image of the president as being a solid pillar of strength and undying will to make the country seem strong. Rating

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