How Does Peaceful Protest Affect Our Society

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Peaceful resistance to laws should be revered as a positive act and has had a positive impact on our free society for as long as it has existed. From the beginning of time, peaceful, civil disobedience has changed not only our American society but the world as well as people such as Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. have fought peacefully for rights that every human should be given at birth. As shown by the people of history, peaceful protest lead our society to discover that some things should be a certain way. The protests of Martin Luther King Jr. during the 1950's and 60's lead to King being jailed. While in jail he wrote a letter to a fellow clergyman and stated his reasoning for protesting so fervently, yet peacefully. King discusses that the freedom of people has never, in the history of humankind, been given voluntarily by the oppressor, but has to "be demanded by the oppressed" if anything is to be done (King). …show more content…

Through this accentuation of injustice in a way that did not involve the violent crimes of murder and assault, as they so commonly do as they do during a time of a new president under President Trump, Martin Luther King Jr. enabled, in our American government and places elsewhere, the ability to accept all people, despite something as simple as color of the skin. King's dream of having little black girls and little black boys play with little white girls and little white boys came true because of his ability to stand up for something that was against the law because it was and is morally just. King himself believed, as all should, that just because something is illegal does not make it right. The acts of Adolf Hitler in Germany were legal, but I believe that all of humanity could agree that what happened there in those years was some of the most morally wrong acts ever committed on this