How Does Population Growth Affect Living Rate

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One of the factors in determining the rate of population growth is birth rate. As defined World Bank (n.d.), birth rate is ‘the annual number of live births per 1,000 population estimated at midyear’. Another factor that influences population size is immigration. Some pull factors that attract immigrants into the country are the demand for labour, high standards of living and wages. Hence, a rapid population growth rate would indicate a high birth rate and an influx of immigrants during a period of time. If a country is slow to meet the ever-increasing needs and challenges posed by the expanding population, living standards could deteriorate. One way of accessing the standards of living is measure average real gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, which is used to access standard of living. If the average GDP per capita increases, it could indicate better availability of goods and services and better purchasing power of consumers. (Bostonfed, n.d.) However, it is not an accurate indicator of living standards as factors such as increased expectancy and availability of resources are not taken into account. Hence, factors such as income, availability of employment, education and housing, poverty rate, affordable access to quality healthcare and life expectancy should be included when measuring the standards of living (Investopia, n.d.) This essay would first focus on the benefits and detriments of a rapid population growth rate on living standards and economic growth in