
How Does Proulx Create An Image Of The West?

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The American West is a much used background for all kinds of texts. A Marlboro Man ciga- rette advertisement (1970) and an extract from Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx share similarities in creating an image of it although the context and intention of the texts are quite different from each other. With the help of visual effects on the advertisement and the various literary devices in the extract, the images are similar and different at the same time. The fundamental difference between the two texts and their image of the West is the different intentions behind them. The intention guides the way various elements have been used in the texts and how the image of the West is used to support the overall meaning of the text. The advertisement is trying to sell a product and it is not hidden in the text, seeing that the product is clearly presented and visible through the Western theme. The product and the American West are bound together making it seem like they are fundamental parts of each other. The extract from Brokeback Mountain doesn’t have …show more content…

The advertisement is almost solely based on pictures and appearance with only a small amount of diction while the extract is built on diction and other literary devices. In the extract we get a more detailed description of the views in the text while the advertisement leaves a lot to the reader to interpret. A more stereotypical view of the West being country- side with cowboys herding horses and smoking is given in the cigarette advertisement than in the extract even though the extract does give the impression of similar lifestyle in the area. The diction in the advertisement helps to create a very positive and enjoyable image of the American West through referring to it as the location of flavor and things to like. The scene is movie-like and the color is mostly earthy brown. The extract creates a very neutral image

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