
How Does Scrooge Change Throughout The Play

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This play was about how Ebenezer Scrooge lived a full life of regrets and sorrow, because of his foolish and unkind love for money. Toward the end of his life he revisits painful memories and lost opportunities of love and kindness! By looking over some of his mean times he is regretting them, and becoming a changed man! In scene three there was a young boy standing at Scrooge’s door singing beautiful Christmas carols. Instead of being entertained or delighted, he smacked the boy with a ruler and wanted him to get lost! After Scrooge saw his past he said “I would have liked to have given him something, that’s all” (pg656)! I think he felt bad about how he treated that boy, and wished he would have given him something instead of smacking him. …show more content…

When Marley shows the memory of his unkindness to the older, wiser, Scrooge he feels a sense of regret for not being kind like giving him hot cocoa. His second regret is his lack of a good relationship with his sister. Scrooge talks about how he loved his little sister and he knew she was very fragile. However, it is clear he did not know her very well. When the past was talking about his sister’s child, Scrooge responded with “one child”. (pg657) That proved that he didn’t know much about the child because he couldn’t name a thing about his sister or his nephew. In this scene, you can tell that he regrets not spending more time getting to know his sister and his only nephew. One way he shows his sadness is in the opening scene when the lights fade (sadness) and Scrooge is looking past his sister, not at her. I think this shows that he is too depressed to make eye-contact with his sister and can’t fully do that. I think he is starting to realize some of his mistakes in life because of

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