How Does Steinbeck Use Light In Of Mice And Men

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John Steinbeck uses character, setting, and symbolism to represent sunlight and darkness throughout the novel. Light can be a source of uplifting energy, while darkness can be a source of descending energy in the novel. Imagery show´s how muscular Lennie is but inside he has a mind of a child. In the story, Of Mice and Men, the author uses the dark and light to lead up to the climax of the story. John Steinbeck uses dark and light to help the readers understand what everything symbolizes in the story. Lennie represents as a strong muscular man with a mind of four-year old boy . George is the caretaker of Lennie, George can't go anywhere without Lennie doing something wrong. Lennie likes soft things sometimes Lennie is stronger than he thinks ¨give me that mouse!, I didn't mean to kill it George¨ ( Steinbeck 4). Lennie refuses to give up the mouse Aunt Clara ¨ give you a rubber mouse and you wouldn't want nothing to do with it¨(Steinbeck 5). …show more content…

George tries to protect Lennie, when he is spoken to, George will answer because he doesn't want Lennie to mess anything up. There have been many solutions where George cold left Lennie on his own, but George didn’t. George won’t leave Lennie because deep down George cares about Lennie and doesn't want anything to happen to Lennie. George said he changed after he made Lennie jump in the river. “ He damn near drowned before we could get to him” (Steinbeck 40). George finally noticed that he was being so selfish to Lennie and knew it wasn’t right so he had to be more respectful to