Sleepy Hollow, directed by Tim Burton, is an eerie and a suspenseful film with stunning visuals and a spine-chilling atmosphere. In my opinion, this film portrays the overall theme of suspense through various scenes in the film. The curse of The Headless Horseman is the legacy of the small town of Sleepy Hollow. Spearheaded by the eager Constable Ichabod Crane and his new world ways into the ominous secrets and murder; and now the secrets once laid to rest which has been forgotten has now been reawakened, holding a dark secret of a past once gone who is The Headless Horseman. This film contains lots of gore and graphic horror violence. In Sleepy Hollow, Tim Burton created suspense throughout the film in different ways by incorporating unexpected or surprising developments, settings, and mysterious characters. …show more content…
The setting mostly took place in the Western Woods where Ichabod Crane, twenty-four year old New York City police officer, went to look for The Headless Horseman. The Western Woods looked spooky with smoke, mist, dark dry trees, and especially the Tree of Death. The way the woods were created gave an effect of horror which made me stay very observant of what was to come. As the film went along, the fire that was lit before the Western Woods was extinguished by the mist. This made me think that the forest was alive. All the trees and leaves were dry and dark as coal, especially the Tree of Death. The way the tree situated and the way the tree looked was disturbing. Similarly, the cave that Ichabod went to find more details about The Headless Horseman, looked spooky with a dark atmosphere, candles, and tables with witchcraft material on top of it. This cave has chains and cages hanging from the side walls. Bats are trapped in the cages for witchcraft, which is terrorizing. By using a horror setting in this film, Tim Burton created suspense; and furthermore he created mysterious characters in the