How Does W. Jacobs Create Suspense In The Monkey's Paw

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“The first man had his three wishes… I don't know the first two, but the third was death.” Horror stories, writers and filmmakers use everything for each drop of detail in a scene or chapter to the suspense, of what will happen next or why are you doing that. Suspense is in most to all horror stories,but have you ever found it in the setting of foreshadowing, like in “The Monkey’s Paw,” by W. W. Jacobs. The setting of horror can sometimes be very dark and mysterious, or can start off like a typical day. The setting can help you understand a story better, but can also add inscriptive detail to the story. In lines 176-178 it said, “He sat alone in the darkness, gazing at the dying fire, and seeing faces in it,” after wishing for 200 pounds. …show more content…

White calls the paw, “wicked” and said, “it is foolish.” The darkness also just turns the tides from being a place of …show more content…

In the monkey paw this happens many times start to build suspense in the story. On lines 91-93 it states, “The first man had his three wishes… I don't know the first two were, but the third was death,” this make you start thinking that the paw is going to curse to family but when. The foreshadowing keeps going on by saying the paw moved in his hand when wishing, which makes you go the same thing that happens to the first man will happen again. The mom also tries to get the paw to make the son come to life which they do, which helps you for shadow what he will look like after the machinery accident. This also add suspense because you are waiting for the son Herbert to come home, but he doesn't come until the next page. The is also foreshadowing when Mr. White calls his wife mad for wanting to wish his son alive. Which leads up to the suspense of trying to stop the wife open the door to their son. Foreshadowing is a key feature in the development of a story is the main resin horror can be