How Does William Thatcher Show Courtly Love In The Knights Tale

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William Thatcher is a better knight from showing chivalry and courtly love in the movie Knight’s Tale. Knights Tale is loosely based on Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. Chivalry is a knights system with moral, religious and social code. Courtly love is how a knight treats a lady with respect and dignity. William shows chivalry and courtly love because he is willing to sacrifice for Jocelyn, he is brave, and he protects the weak. William showed courtly love by not treating Jocelyn like a trophy or a prize. He valued her as a beautiful lady. Adhemar treated her like a trophy and piece of property. William sent her a romantic letter telling her how much he missed her and loved her. Jocelyn told William if he wanted to prove his love he would have to lose his match. When William had lost most of his matches Jocelyn told William if he loved her he would win every match from then on. William did not lose any matches after that. William was a brave knight. William showed bravery when he and Adhemar had jousted. Adhemar had cheated and tipped his lance. When William go stabbed with the sharpened lance, William continued to joust even though he knew Adhemar was cheating. William showed bravery when he went and found his father in cheapside. All William wanted to do was tell his father that he had changed his …show more content…

He protected Wat, Roland, Chaucher, Kate, and Jocelyn. At the beginning of the movie Wat and Roland were going to starve to death if they didn’t find a way to make some money. William had came up with an idea to keep them fed and clothed. When Chaucer had been walking down the road without clothes William had saved him by giving with clothes. William also paid his ransom when he got into some trouble for gambling. It this era girls were considered weak and helpless. This is where Kate and Jocelyn fall into place for William to protect them. William took them in and allowed them to travel with them so they would have

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