How Effective Is The Authoritarian Parenting Style?

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Parenting is a topic that is widely debated across the globe, with the question as to which parenting style is the most effective asked constantly. To answer this question requires coverage of a variety of topics as the term ‘most effective’ is different for everyone. Regardless of this, discovering the parenting style that will raise a happy and successful child is of the most importance for both parents and their children.
The authoritarian parenting style attempts to shape and control the way a child thinks, behaves and feels with a set of standards. These parents highly value obedience and will forcefully put a halt to whenever their child decides to act of their own free will. They believe in keeping the child under control through restriction …show more content…

Authoritative parents encourage high levels of independence and maturity from their children. Rather than immediately giving aid whenever it is needed, they will encourage the child to solve problems on their own. This parenting style strives to teach children to be responsible by setting rules and only exercising discipline when necessary. Prior to any punishment, the parents will try to help the child understand why it is happening and despite any rules or disciplining, children are taught that it is okay to fail because only by doing so, can they learn from their mistakes (Danish …show more content…

The values concerning the traditional way of life, importance of acceptance and academic achievement were all examined. The result was that transmission mainly occurred in families with above-average levels of authoritative parenting (Rainer 2004, p. 83). From this study, it is seen that authoritative parents are able to create the greatest connection with their children to transfer positive values into their lives. These values will stay with them through to adult hood and are a great foundation for addition of even more positive values
While peer influences have often been found to be a risk factor of adolescents for substance use, parental variables may act as a protective function. In a study conducted in 2010 involving 2072 Hungarian youths, ranging in ages from 12 to 22, it was found that children that were raised with the authoritative parenting style were lease likely to participate in substance use (Bettina 2012, p. 353). Displaying to us that authoritative parents raise children that are least prone to usage of substances that are hazardous to their health, causing them to live a more mentally and physically fuller

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