How Far Does Circumstance Change A Person's Motive?

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How much does circumstance change a person’s motive. People can be driven to do things that they never would even consider doing in extreme circumstance. In “A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury Eckles never thought that he would step off the path and end up altering the future. This is also the case in “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” by Maya Angelou and “Incident in a Rose Garden” by Donald Justice and “Appointment in Samarra” by Somerset Maugham . Circumstances can change a person’s motive and can reveal the best or the worst of human nature and can affect an entire society.

How much do core values affect a person’s motive? In each story people's core values vary and affect others. For example, in “A Sound of Thunder” Eckles core value is adventure and this is shown by Eckles agreeing to go on the safari after asking if the safari “guarantees that he comes back alive” and is told there is no guarantee ( Bradbury 36). In “Appointment …show more content…

A relationship can greatly affect a person’s motive or values. In “Appointment in Samarra” the merchant and his servant have a good relationship this is shown by the merchant giving his servant a horse to help him “avoid his fate” as well as when the master speaks to death about his servant (Maugham). The old gardener in “Incident in a Rose Garden” saw death and quit his job, his master spoke to death about threatening the gardener to which death replies that he didn’t threaten the gardener he only wanted to speak to his master and says “I take it you are he” allowing the master to learn of his intentions. Some relationships can cause something good to happen. In “I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings Mrs. Flowers relationship with Marguerite helped Marguerite because she was respected for “Just being Marguerite Johnson” and she was given a task by Mrs. Flowers that transformed their relationship into a friendship (Angelou 245). Other relationships can be destructive and