How Great Leaders Inspire Action By Simon Sinek

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Watching the "How Great Leaders Inspire Action" was very interesting to me because it all made sense that there are a difference in Leaders and People who Lead as Simon Sinek stated in the video. I agree that it is true that "People don't but what you do, the buy why you do it". Reason being as stated in the video they are many companies out there that can sell what you have but as humans we automatically know there intentions are for profits. Our society as a whole has expanded on what they believe in and definetly use the freedom of speech belief in a way that many or all have the same interest. His examples of Dr. Martin Luther King was very true as he describe his speech to be a success, because Dr. King lead people on what he believed and people followed him cause they believe in the movement for themselves he was just the leader for a good cause of others. I think that the "why you do it" draws a lot of attention to our society because as a whole our society is very opionated. As Simon Sinek kept quoting throughout the video that " Its not to sell what you have , the goal is to have people believe what you believe in". That is exactly what Dr. Martin Luther King, the Wright Brothers and Apple have done to gain the attention and followers that they have because they did it for the " Why" …show more content…

Looking at the example for the Wright brothers was also interesting because they were recognized for the Why they were doing airplanes, because they were driven about it they had no money to have all the latest equipment to build,