How Has 9/11 Impacted Society Essay

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September 9, 2001 – The world stood still – shock/terror –cable networks were live covering the breaking news An Islamic extremist group known as al –Qaeda hijacked four commercial airplanes –targeting monumental buildings in New York and Washington D.C. – deliberate/planned suicide flights/attacks
• 8:45 A.M. The first of two airplanes crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City
• 9:03 A.M. a second airplane hit the South Tower of the World Trade Center
• 9:43 One airplane hit the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia
• A fourth plane crashed into an open field in Pennsylvania Flames and plumes of black smoke billowed from the windows of the upper tower – …show more content…

Positive: government has established new policies

Social Impact

Psychological Impact
Economic Impact

Positive: TSA was created

Negative: Surveillance
• Inconveniences/Delays
• Imposing Restrictions (Personal items)
• Violating one’s constitutional rights
Negative affect of profiling
Increased anxiety
Lack of trust – increased mistrust with law officials
Positive: Amplifying national security – ensure the safety of all citizens

Negative: More jobs = more government spending/defense budget

Impact on US Citizens?

Government will argue:
Current expenditures benefit

• Airport screenings

• Intruding/violating personal rights

TSA – violation of 4th Amendment

• Transgender
• Degrading/
Embarrassment • Question government extension of power/have they gone too far?
• Who are you more afraid of? Government or terrorists?
Everyone’s lives were altered in some shape or form, for some more so than

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