How Has Religion Been Used To Support Political Order

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Barzi Mohhammed
Dr. Christopher
How has religion been used to support political order? What are the similarities and differences in the way is has been used over the course of history? “If we consider politics as involving the recognition and reconciliation of opposing interests within a given unit of rule, and religion as the root of most of the profound and permanent values of life we cannot quite dismiss the idea of the relationship between politics and religion out of hand”(Varun Naik.) If we look at the historical events that happened through history, we can notice the role of religion and politics in human’s life. Politics affected by religious ideas shaped the society, and contributed to how people reacted to the events that …show more content…

The first account that I will mention is Sayyid Qutb, who was an Egyptian writer and religious leader, was one of the ideological founders of the Muslim Brotherhood. His political idea, was mostly based on traditional Islamic ideas. He divided the world into two division Muslims and non-Muslims. He used Islam in his political ideas and his aim to change the society. In his perspective the society and the government should be based on Sharia laws and principles, and that the government which is based on Sharia laws and principles will be just. He developed his idea in a Muslim country, and that helped him to convince people easily. The second one is Michel Aflaq, Syrian philosopher, used religion for enforcing his idea which was Ba’athism political thought. He used Islam even though he was not Muslim. He was a Greek Orthodox Christian, but he used Islamic perspectives in a Muslim country, so that he can champion his ideology which was combining Islam and Arabism. “Islam can be embodied only in the Arab nation and its virtues, morals, and talents. Nationalism can only be achieved through the perfect understanding of Islam” (In memory of Arab nationalism.) Aflaq used Islam to support his claim which was Arab nationalism by using Arab population. The last one that I will mention is Khomeini, who “was an Iranian Shia Muslim religious leader, philosopher, revolutionary, and politician”. He used Islamic ideologies to convince people to revolve against the Shah. He successfully replaced the monarchy by a government based on the religion of Shia Islam. In his speech which was given to a group of religious students he talks about how the Shah is working with the Israel against the good of the country and Islam; "Our own government assists Israel to achieve its objectives" (Ayatollah Khomeini's speech of 13