How Has The February Revolution Changed After The Russian Revolution?

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The Russian Revolution changed not only the course of the Great War but also the political structure of the 20. century. It was a pair of revolutions in Russia in 1917 and it removed Russia from the war and brought about the transformation of the Russian Empire into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), replacing Russia’s traditional monarchy with the world’s first socialist state. The Russian Revolution also had considerable international consequences. Lenin’s government immediately pulled Russia out of World War I, changing the balance of forces for the remaining participants. In this paper, after the periodization of the Russian-Ottoman relationship from the February Revolution to the Armistice of Mondros, the international consequences …show more content…

Especially, Stockholm ambassador Cevad Bey of the Ottoman Empire transmitted lots of reports and telegrams about the general conditions in Russia before and after the February revolution. Cevad Bey was gathering through the Swedish officials, press and his contact with the embassy officials of the neutral countries, he was transmitting what he had gathered to the sublime Porte as the reports and telegrams. However, we cannot argue that his opinions about the condition in Russia were accurate. Before the February Revolution on 27 January 1917, he states that although there is a general interior crisis in Russia, the situation shows that there will not occur a general rebellion because those who can organize and join this kind of a rebellion are fighting in the front or are being exiled to Siberia. Also, he indicates that not only Tsar but also various parties composing the parliament seem to be determinant to continue the war. As a result, he concludes his report claiming it would be mistaking to assume that Russia would leave the war at the expense of his allies due to the current