How Has The Radio Affected American Culture

588 Words3 Pages

Jaylen Poe
Mr. Shedlock
January 24, 2023

How Radios Affected Society

The invention of the radio brought life and entertainment to all of America. It was invented to send transmitters over long distances. Broadcasters send messages using radio waves instead of wires. It began broadcasting commercials after being able to transmit sound. Radio stations broadcasted news, music, sports, drama, and a variety of shows. The invention of the radio astonished America by building popularity in companies, bringing entertainment, and made it easier to learn new information.

Radio broadcasting brought popularity to companies. ¨Broadcasts of major sport events became popular as the medium matured and remote broadcasts became possible¨(Quitney). People have gone to sporting events and competed in sports from hearing about it on the radio. ¨Jazz bands became nationally famous through their radio performances, and a host of other jazz musicians flourished as radio made the genre nationally popular¨(7.4 …show more content…

¨The history of this station illustrates the ways in which the radio created new perspectives on American culture¨(7.4 radio's impact on culture). Radio stations improved aspects of American culture. ¨Radio technology changed the way that dance and popular music were performed. Because of the use of microphones, vocalists could be heard better over the band, allowing singers to use a greater vocal range and create more expressive styles¨(7.4 radio's impact on culture). Vocalists and singers can express their music through radio stations. ¨Radio became a new form of communication and entertainment. Between the 1920s and 1950s many radio shows were broadcasted, and gathering around the radio in the evening was a common form of entertainment¨(Stefanyshyn). People would gather around their radio to listen to shows in their own homes. People go to their radio to listen to their shows, but multiple education programs get listened to as