How Has The Space Program Impacted Florida's Culture

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The space program is one of the most thrilling things in history. The space program in Florida was founded on July 29, 1958. Ever since the space program was founded it has effected the state of Florida tremendously. It effected Florida’s culture, economy, and social benefits of technology. To begin with, Florida’s culture was effected quite a lot by the space program. When the space program started Florida started booming with new inventions, better businesses, schools, etc. According to the article, “The Space Program Changes the Economy and Culture of Florida,” the author states that, “Space became an integral part of Florida’s culture. Communities near Cape Canaveral promoted Florida’s “Space Coast” as a new and exciting destination …show more content…

Motels, restaurants and even housing developments adopted space-related themes to capture the interest of visitors and potential new residents. Developers and chambers of commerce emphasized Florida’s role in the space industry to attract new people and new businesses to their communities.” Moving on, Florida’s economy was effected a lot by the space program, because thousands of workers moved to Florida and transformed Kennedy Space/Cape Canaveral into a hub of aeronautics, electronic designs, and manufacturing. According to the article, “The Space Program Changes the Economy and Culture of Florida,” the authors claims that, “An entire generation of space-industry workers retired in the Space Coast area. Other initiatives, such as environmental services, including the development of solar energy technology, attracted even more skilled workers to the Space Coast. After five decades of space age development, Florida remains one of the