
How High School Has Helped To Prepare Me For The Real World

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My experience in high school has helped to prepare me for the real world. It did this through the classes, environment, and attitudes of the people I was required to associate with. Because of this preparation, I will be able to interact with anyone in the future because I have talked to and interacted with several people of differing beliefs and ideas. The classes have changed my idea of classes. The classes became more difficult and used more group assignments. The teachers also expected more of me than before. This meant I had to change how I approached classes. In elementary and middle school I was mostly secluded. I did not talk to many people and chose to do most projects alone. In high school this changed. I had to change because the assignments became more complex and required me to realize that several goals in life require multiple people to achieve. The environment is made up of the events, groups, and any other point of the year that was not a class or class related. During high school I became part of Theatre and the National Honour Society. Theatre provided an outlet for my …show more content…

They did this positively and negatively. An example of a negative effect was Physical Education in my ninth grade year. The entire class was full of irrational people who constantly harassed me because I was socially awkward at the time. Despite this they served as an example of people that exist in real life that people need to deal with. An example of a positive effect was the mock interview that all seniors were required to attend in March 2015. The interview allowed people to see what interviews for jobs look and feel like. After the interview was over the students were given an evaluation of what needed to improve. I did fairly poorly but the information provided will allow me to have a more productive interview when I actually go get a job this

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