How History Got The Rosa Parks Story Wrong Analysis

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Everyone loves it when they are heard, the problem that occurs is how people interpret your words and actions. We all know about Rosa Parks, she was the women that refused to give her seat to a white man. After that there isn’t anything else we learn about her, we just learn that she was a staple for equal rights. In the article “How History Got the Rosa Parks Story Wrong,” Jeanne Theoharis talks about the common thinking of Rosa Parks and how it doesn’t represent her character or who she was as a person. Theoharis uses information from Park’s childhood, adolescence and adulthood, and her entire life to prove that Rosa Parks was a lifelong activist instead of a quiet symbol. The Theoharis first uses quotes and facts from different parts of Rosa Parks to support that she was a radical for most of her life. The author quotes what Rosa Parks herself felt her life was about. She stated this, “Her ‘life history of being rebellious,’ as she put it…” Parks felt that she was rebellious, that she was a person that went against authority and control. Rosa Parks lived a long life, for her to say that her life was rebellious instead of the multitude of other options proves that she convicted and sure of what she was doing. Her stating rebellious also comes to the fact that she did the fighting personally, not behind a desk or quietly supporting. Parks also was fighting for equality a long time before the bus incident. Theoharis said, “...been challenging …show more content…

Rosa fought back against inequality and bullying when she was in her childhood. Then spent the years of her adolescence and adulthood fighting for African American lives and equality. After that, she used her time in the 70s through the 90s continuing fighting. Without using the rest of the information in the article, Theoharis gave more than enough information to come to an implication that supports her